When Should I Come to the Hospital?
If you are
more than 20 weeks pregnant and you think you are in labour, come to our Labour Assessment Unit (LAU).
Come to LAU if at any time you are worried about:
- Contractions that are strong and occur frequently
- Your water breaks
- Bleeding
- Pain
- If the baby is not moving as frequently as you are used to.
If you are
less than 20 weeks pregnant and have any concerns, please contact your care provider or go directly to the Emergency Department of your closest hospital.
If you have a medical emergency call 911.
Examples of medical emergencies may include:
heavy bleeding from your vagina
You feel like your baby is coming now or you a strong urge to push
You feel like there is something in your vagina or between your legs
Sudden or constant pain in your abdomen
Fetal Movement
Facts about Baby’s Movements
Most pregnant persons feel baby movements regularly by 24 weeks or 5-6 months of pregnancy.
It is important to be aware of your baby’s movements. Your baby will rest and be active each day.
In healthy pregnancies, persons need to only monitor their baby’s movements when they think their bay is not moving as much as usual.
Patients with risk factors in their pregnancy should monitor their baby’s movements as advised by their care provider.
Smoking and certain medications may reduce baby’s movements.
When to Monitor your Baby’s Movements
If you are experiencing a change in your baby’s movements monitor them as instructed below.
If you have been advised by your care provider to monitor your baby’s movement, choose a time of day when your baby is usually active.
How to Monitor your Baby’s Movements/ Kick Counts
- Find a quiet place and sit in a relaxed position with a drink of cold water.
- Place your hands on your tummy.
- Count your baby’s movements
You should feel at least 6 movements in 2 hours.
Once you feel 6 movements, the test is complete.
If you do not feel 6 movements by 2 hours you should come to the Labour Assessment Unit at the Hospital for further assessment.
What Happens When I Arrive?
- You will be asked for your Ontario Health Card and how we can help you.
- In the LAU, similar to an Emergency Department, patients are seen according to the reason for their visit, not the order of arrival. You may have to wait in the waiting room.
- A nurse will show you to a bed in the LAU where they will:
- Ask you to change into a hospital gown.
- Take your blood pressure and body temperature.
- Listen to your baby’s heartbeat.
- Ask you questions about your health and pregnancy.
- Take blood or urine samples if necessary.
- May perform a vaginal exam if you are in labour.