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Coming For Your Test

Trillium Health Partners offers exceptional, state-of-the art testing at all of our locations. If you’ve been referred for testing by a physician or other health care provider, we’re here to help make it easy for you to find your way there and get the answers you need.

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Important Notice for LAB Patients

The Credit Valley Hospital's outpatient laboratory is no longer accepting requisitions from community physicians.

Most laboratory tests requested by community physicians are covered by OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan), and can be performed at any of the nearby community lab service providers

You will not incur additional costs for tests covered by OHIP. In many cases, parking is free at the community labs.

This change is in keeping with the practice at most Ontario hospitals and will allow Credit Valley to provide better service to their emergency department and other areas of the hospital.

Outpatient Lab Services Hours:
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.*
Monday-Friday (excluding holidays)

*CVH Patients - cut-off time for specimen drop-off may vary, please consult your clinic.


The Department of Laboratory Medicine at the Credit Valley Hospital serves both inpatient and outpatient population, performing over three million tests annually. The state of the art laboratory provides all services to assist the physician in diagnosing patients. Including the following:

Transfusion Medicine

The role of Transfusion Medicine is to provide testing and compatible blood and blood products for all patients requiring transfusion. Prenatal and post partum blood grouping and antibody screening is performed for obstetrical patients.


The role of Haematology is to detect changes in blood cells in disease states such as anemia, infection and leukemia. This includes the examination of peripheral blood, bone marrow and other fluids. Coagulation (blood clotting) testing is also performed to monitor patients on anticoagulant therapy, to detect bleeding disorders (hemophilia) and thrombolytic disorders.


The histology/cytology department has the responsibility for the preparation of all tissue specimens and body fluids removed at surgery, by needle biopsy or aspiration. The prepared tissue is examined by a Pathologist, who then makes a diagnosis.


The microbiology department is responsible for the isolation, identification and subsequent antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bacteria, fungi, and pathogenic protozoa.

Clinical Chemistry

The chemistry department performs testing for chemical constituents, enzymes, lipids, protein, therapeutic drug monitoring, diabetic management, hormones and abusive drugs on blodd urine and other patient specimens.


The genetics program at The Credit Valley Hospital is a regional service available to individuals from a large geographical region including Mississauga, Brampton, Oakville, Etobicoke, Georgetown and others.

The program consists of both clinical and laboratory services provided by a number of specialists including clinical geneticists (physicians), cytogeneticist and molecular geneticist (Ph.D), genetic counsellors (M.Sc.) and technologists (M.L.T.) with subspecialty training in cytogenetics, molecular genetics or both.

In the clinical genetics program, the geneticists and genetic counsellors see over 3,200 individuals each year.

Physicians refer patients of all ages for genetic consultation. In some cases, an individual is referred to see if a specific condition can be diagnosed. This may involve a physical examination and various investigations, in addition to a discussion of possible underlying genetic causes and an explanation of the chance of the same condition occurring again within the same family. In other cases, a condition may be well known in a family and an explanation of the pattern of inheritance and the implications of that condition for the individual are provided.

The genetics laboratory has a regional cytogenetics service, which specializes in chromosome testing to aid in the diagnosis of chromosome abnormalities and DNA testing provides a regional molecular testing service. Using state of the art equipment, the genetics laboratory staff processes over 2,500 specimens each year. These include blood, skin biopsies, amniotic fluid and bone marrow specimen.

For more information about our Regional Genetics Program, click here »

Laboratories - Licenses and Accreditation Certificates