Our new name is an extension of our strategy and reflects the core elements of our new vision, mission, goals and priorities. Just as we all have a first name and a last name, so does our hospital:
- Our first name, Trillium, symbolizes a provincial focus signalling that our vision extends beyond our walls. A spring flower, the trillium suggests hope and renewal. The three petals are separate, yet connected, illustrating how our various sites and services work as one to deliver outstanding care.
- Our last name, Health Partners, represents working together and partnering for the future – with patients, family members and other providers - so that we can keep our community healthy, at every stage of life.
- Our site names reflect names most commonly used by our patients and ones that respect our history. Credit Valley Hospital will remain in place as a site name and we will return to using Mississauga Hospital and Queensway Health Centre as the names for our other two main sites.
I believe Trillium Health Partners is a name that will unite us. It is based on the strong belief that, when it comes to health care, we are all in this together, and as partners in creating a new kind of health care, we are Better Together.
So, on this one year anniversary, we can look back on a year of substantial progress in completing the merger and becoming one hospital. While delivering outstanding high quality care and meeting our fiscal responsibilities, we put a new board governance and leadership structure in place, developed our first Quality Improvement Plan as one hospital and created one program delivery structure. We improved emergency room wait times by 7% across all sites and improved ALC rates by 11.5% in just a few months. These improvements are just a few key successes, and are the direct result of your hard work and commitment to collaborate, driving and in some cases accelerating integration efforts across our sites and services. This work has directly benefited our patients and our community.
With all that we have accomplished together to achieve this historic event, I continue to be proud and impressed by the support and commitment you all have shown to the future of the organization. It has inspired the journey of building our new vision for the future. We will continue to rely on your courage, expertise and commitment to delivering exceptional care to our patients to realize this vision. I want to express my thanks and appreciation to all of you. As we continue to move forward, I am certain that we will realize our new vision to become Better Together.