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New Kind of Health Care

Trillium Health Partners - A Newsletter from the President & CEO
April 2013
Our Vision for a New Kind of Health Care

This is a plan to create a new kind of health care.

It was informed by the voice of our community and what they said is important to them. We engaged directly with over 23,000 patients, families, community members, staff, physicians and volunteers to understand their priorities and needs. What we heard is that our community needs us to think differently for better health. It is our mission, our reason. A new kind of health care for a healthier community. Our plan focuses on more than just treating people when they are sick – it focuses on what we all want and need: to be as healthy as we can be, at every stage of our lives.

Our vision is to deliver the best possible health outcomes and an exceptional experience– for every person, every time - together with our partners. One health care organization working in isolation cannot make this happen. A new and unprecedented level of partnership is required to create a truly interconnected and complete system of care, with people at the center, and with quality, access and sustainability as foundations. We are Better Together.

The most important partnerships will be the ones we develop with people in our community, engaging them as active participants in regaining and maintaining their health. To deliver the care and experience that our community has told us they need in order to stay healthy, we will need to think and act differently.

Our Strategic Plan sets out the framework for determining where we can take a leadership role in the health care system and where we can support our partners to take that role. By leading a systems approach to planning that considers all of the resources in our community, we can create better connections among health care providers, ultimately resulting in a complete system of care for people in our community. As we begin to live our strategy, we will be anchored by core values and beliefs that will guide our decision making and our actions as we create a new kind of health care for a healthier community.

Click here to read our strategic plan >>>