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Overview of Accessibility Standards

Accessibility of Ontario Disability Act (AODA)
Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR)
Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC)

A guide for Volunteers and Third Party Vendors

Accessibility of Ontario Disability Act (AODA)

For many people, a hospital visit or stay can be an overwhelming experience. For people with disabilities, the overall experience can be made more stressful when faced with additional challenges in attempting to access services within the hospital in the same way as people without disabilities.
Trillium Health Partners is fully committed to ensuring our patients and visitors are able to access, obtain, use and benefit from the services we provide, and is committed to removing any barriers that would inhibit a member of the public from accessing our services.
This overview is meant to help volunteers and third party vendors at Trillium Health Partners better understand the legal requirements of the AODA and the Integrated Standards Regulation (IASR)
To find out more about what you can do to help the overall patient and visitor experience for persons with disabilities, consult our brochure "Providing Equitable Care to People with Disabilities."

The Accessible Customer Service Standard

The Accessible Customer Service standard was the first standard developed and introduced into law in 2005 as part of the Accessibility of Ontarians with disabilities Act (AODA). The standard addresses business practices and the training needed to provide better customer service to people with disabilities.

The Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation (IASR)

The Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation (IASR) is comprised of several standards under the AODA. The implementation of each standard is being phased in to meet the goal of an accessible Ontario by 2025.

The standards include:

  1. Accessible Information and Communications standard addresses the removal of barriers in access to information by providing communication in person, through print, a website or other means. The standard also includes processes for receiving and responding to feedback.
  2. Employment Accessibility standard addresses paid employment practices relating to employee-employer relationships, which could include recruitment, hiring, and retention policies and procedures.
  3. Transportation standard sets out the requirements to prevent and remove transportation barriers and addresses aspects of accessible public transportation.
  4. Design of Public Spaces standard address access into and within buildings and outdoor spaces and is expected to build on Ontario's Building Code. The standards could include things like aisle and door width, counter height, parking and signs.

The Ontario Human Rights Code

The Ontario Human Rights code states all employers are required to meet the accommodation needs of employees with disabilities. The duty to accommodate recognizes that people have different needs and require different solutions to gain equal access to services and employment. The goal of accommodation is to allow people with disabilities to equally benefit from and take part in services or the workplace.

Contact Information

To request information/materials in alternative formats contact:
Communications, Patient and Community Relations at

For patient, family and visitor feedback or concerns, contact:
Patient Relations at