Meet the Regional Vice President

Dr. Scott Berry, MD, MHSc, FRCPC
Regional Vice President, MHCW Regional Cancer Program, & Chief and Medical Director for Oncology
Dr. Berry is the Regional Vice President, Mississauga Halton Central West Regional Cancer Program, Ontario Health - Cancer Care Ontario and Chief and Medical Director, Carlo Fidani Peel Regional Cancer Centre and the Cancer Program, Trillium Health Partners. He is an Adjunct Professor of Oncology at Queen’s University
Dr. Berry’s clinical specialty is gastrointestinal cancer and he serves as the Co-Chair of the Gastrointestinal Disease Site Group of the Ontario Health - Cancer Care Ontario Program in Evidence- Based Care.
Prior to coming to Trillium Health partners and the Mississauga Halton Central West Regional Cancer Program, he was Professor and Head of the Queen's University Department of Oncology and the Medical Director at the Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario at the Kingston Health Sciences Centre from 2019-2023. As Executive Director of the Global Oncology Program, Dr. Berry worked with a committed team at Queen’s and a global community of health professional partners to improve equity in global cancer care.
Dr. Berry is also passionate about medical education and is a past Chair of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Specialty Committee for Medical Oncology. While at the University of Toronto, Dr. Berry served as the Program Director for the Medical Oncology Training Program from 2005 to 2017. Additionally, Dr Berry is one of the co-founders of, a comprehensive resource of oncology information that connects a global inter-professional community of healthcare professionals and medical learners.
Dr. Berry also has an academic interest in bioethical issues in cancer care, in particular the ethics of funding and access to new and expensive cancer medications. He was an inaugural member of the Expert Review Committee and former Ethics Advisor for the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review, and has served on the American Society of Clinical Oncology Ethics Committee.
Dr. Berry earned both his Bachelor of Science, Doctor of Medicine and Master of Health Sciences in Bioethics degrees at the University of Toronto, followed by postgraduate specialty training there, where he completed residencies in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology. After completing his training, Dr. Berry worked as a clinician, researcher, and educator from 1998 to 2019 at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and the University of Toronto.
A Message from the Regional Vice President, Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario)
This region represents a very special, diverse and growing community that is supported by excellent cancer care and a resounding commitment to do the very best for patients and their loved ones.
Every day, we are inspired by the passion and dedication of each health care provider, volunteer and caregiver in the region and the partnerships I witness with the care teams, patients and families.
The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly created new challenges. Thank you to our region’s leaders and health care providers for your tireless and unwavering efforts towards delivering exceptional and compassionate care to those impacted by cancer in our region. It is with my deepest gratitude that I thank you for your ongoing commitment throughout such difficult times.
I am so proud of the work our region is doing and what we have accomplished thus far. It is an honour and a privilege to work together with our partners to provide safe, compassionate, quality care for our patients, their family members, and caregivers.
We look forward to continue working together with you to create a better cancer care system.