- What are you doing about the long wait times in your Emergency Department?
It’s important to know that how long you wait in the Emergency Department (ED) can be different depending on the time of day or week, and on the type of patients that come to the ED. Some patients may be in the ED due to a serious accident or other emergency, and that will affect the wait time for other patients whose health condition is less critical.
Despite the growing demand, we have kept our service levels constant and our data shows us that the wait time in our ED has not gone up even though we are seeing more patients. We work hard with our physicians and staff to make sure that those who require the most urgent and emergent care are able to get it. We continue to work with our local and provincial government and community partners on solutions to help address the growing demand for our services.
Additionally, as part of the Phase 3 Redevelopment Project at our Credit Valley Hospital, we are redeveloping the Emergency Department to create a state-of-the art facility that will be more than double the current size.
Do you have additional questions? Contact Communications and Public Affairs at: public.affairs@thp.ca