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Our Services


​​​Chantel’s Place provides a range of medical, forensic and/or counselling services by admission through the Mississauga Hospital or Credit Valley Hospital emergency departments.​

  • Our hospitals have forensic nurses on call 24-hours a day for patients who: 
  • Are aged 12 or older and have been recently sexually assaulted;  
  • Are under 12 and have experienced sexual assault at any time in the past (no time frame limitations);  
  • Have experienced intimate partner violence and have physical injuries or have significant safety concerns related to non-physical forms of intimate partner violence (verbal, emotional, psychological, financial, etc.); or 
  • Have experienced human sex trafficking. 
We will document, care for and/or treat physical concerns due to a recent sexual assault.  

Our treatment areas are private, and the safety, privacy, and physical comfort of our clients is our top priority. Our compassionate staff provide comprehensive, trauma-informed care and treatment. ​

Clients should be assured that our staff share only necessary information with care providers who are in their direct circle of care unless the client has consented for release of medical information. If a client wishes to involve the police, a separate interview room is available to use once the medical examination is completed.